Candidate, Did You Know?, Education, Profile

Muddy Creek Brewery – Investing in Butte’s Community, Economy, and Culture

My family has been a part of founding 4 businesses in Butte since 2000. The business with the most notoriety is Muddy Creek Brewery (MCB). Three families who have been close friends for decades created MCB, which became one of Montana’s most awarded breweries for our amazing and unique microbrews. MCB attracted visitors from around the world and was another local bright spot that made Butte a destination stop. Our business created many local jobs and provided cash flow through our community to the tune of millions of dollars, helping to contribute to BSB’s local charities, music scene, infrastructure and culture. Our hearts were broken when MCB was destroyed in a fire in January of 2020 at which point I turned my career focus to working as a clerk in the BSB Clerk & Recorder office.

My role at MCB was Taproom Manager. I was responsible for hiring, managing, training & scheduling staff, production coordination, managing brew inventory, merch inventory, special events, server certifications, legal compliance, budgeting, accounting, etc. My favorite part of being in the taproom was interacting with the public and getting to know our regulars. It was more like being with friends and family than just a job.

All of this experience strengthened my skill in leadership, management, organization, diligence, integrity, and maintaining compliance with the local, state, and federal laws. These are all skills that are required of the Clerk & Recorder / Election Administrator in our local government. Muddy Creek Brewery was not only a fiscal and cultural asset to Butte, but it was also a source of cultivating real-world leadership that I can provide to BSB in the Clerk & Recorder position.

My MCB experience (as well as other managerial jobs), in addition to my 4 years as a clerk in the C&R office and working 16 elections over 12 years, makes me the ideal candidate and correct choice for BSB Clerk & Recorder. I am the only candidate running for C&R that has C&R office experience and election management experience. In comparison, my opponent has no experience in either of these areas. I know the job! You can have confidence that I am well prepared and ready to run the Clerk & Recorder office with competence and efficiency.

Vote Responsibly. Vote for Experience. Vote Cindy Sherman for BSB Clerk & Recorder.